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Walking nude

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February 10, 2008
Posts: 14

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For many years I lived in Cornwall not far from the north coast, I had heard of a naturist beach along there and decided one day to investigate. It was a small beach wth a very difficult path down and as the cliffs are very high and steep I had to abandon any thought of going down as I suffer with vertigo. I went back to the path and loath to go back home it was so nice I walked along the cliff path. I saw noone so decided to strip off my shorts and shirt, I walked for over an hour and saw noone. Eventually I turned back and had not gone far up a rise when a family came over the top, too late to dress, so walked on, the mother smiled, the children gigled and father said 'you must be much cooler than I am'. I went frequently when the weather and time permitted and only on half a dozen occasions did I see anyone. One fisherman going fishing off the rocks stopped for a chat one evening and I saw him and spoke to him several times after. One evening walking back I met a couple who had been down on the little beach, we chatted and the girl wanted to have our photo taken, so they stripped off and he took one of the girl and me and she took one of him and me. One evening I was so late getting back to the car it was dark so I did not dress at all, drove home naked. I am missing that now as I live in a city miles from the coast and no where local to go either. I found that all the people I met took no notice of mebeing naked.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Sounds like fun. I live in the city, but late at night, I'll take walks around my neighborhood naked. So far I haven't been caught. I try to avoid houses, since there are some buildings around the block, and I have an alley behind me.

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April 6, 2008
Posts: 9

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`I live in the inner city. Dout have the guts to walk around my nebourhood nude. Sure I'd get busted for indesent exsposure. My sister live in the bush and I can wander around her place nude plue we have the beaches down here.

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Posted:     Post subject: walking,south wales

i'am very lucky,i live minutes from the best beaches in the u.k. and i walk nude for miles and miles,i know all the best spots to go.i always carry a thong though just incase,you always get one funny person who gets offended.
nothing beats walking nude with the sun on your bum.

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: walking,south wales

luvitlots wrote: i'am very lucky,i live minutes from the best beaches in the u.k. and i walk nude for miles and miles,i know all the best spots to go.i always carry a thong though just incase,you always get one funny person who gets offended.
nothing beats walking nude with the sun on your bum.

Ain't that.... I mean, isn't that the truth.

Allegic to clothing
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January 4, 2013
Posts: 2

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`love nude walks specially under the rain

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March 19, 2016
Posts: 4

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`I love going outside when almost dark and when dark no one can see me but I can see them

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March 21, 2016
Posts: 4

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`i go nude wherever i can in nature, in the mountains, forest, on the beach...any time i get to take clothes off and let the body breathe fresh air and let the sun kiss my skin and the wind ruffles my feathers...wait, I am not a bird, but u know what i mean..LOL

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